Category Archives: President’s Blog

A Letter to the Community Regarding Racial Injustice

Dear Marine Mammal Science Community,

A core tenet of the Society for Marine Mammalogy is that our science is strengthened by the participation of people representing all ages, races, national, cultural, and socio-economic backgrounds, genders, gender identities, sexual orientations, and physical abilities. Our science is at its best when all voices are at the table.

Today, the tears of the SMM join those of the rest of the world as we grieve the latest in a long string of killings and systemic abuses against black Americans. We add our voices to those who have been historically oppressed in saying, enough. We can no longer stand idly by as our colleagues and friends in African American communities continue to be minimized, sidelined, abused, and suffer.

The Society for Marine Mammalogy has an obligation to speak at a time like this and give our support to the communities that have been under siege – an obligation that we have not previously fulfilled. Unfortunately, far too many of our members and their communities are continuously silenced through the insidious forces of institutionalized racism, sexism, and political and religious intolerance. This statement is a renewal of our commitment to our membership and our global community at large to do our part to actively create a diverse, inclusive and tolerant world. Thus, SMM will continue its mission working to make spaces where all people are welcome and free to pursue their interests.

We hope you will feel free to share your thoughts and feelings with us during these difficult times. We are regularly looking for ways to support our members and provide a safe community for all.


D. Ann Pabst, SMM President

Charles Littnan, SMM President-Elect

Eric Archer and Tara Cox
Co-Chairs of the Ad hoc Committee on Diversity and Inclusion


On behalf of and with support from the SMM Board

Call for 2023 SMM Conference Venue Hosts

Aloha SMM Community-

One of my responsibilities for the Society is to bring to the membership options for the venue for our 2023 Biennial (as a reminder 2021 will be in Florida). As we have in the past, we are reaching out to the membership to engage with groups who may wish to host the conference in their region. This challenging but important honor is vital to our scientific, conservation and educational mission, so we hope several groups will step up to the opportunity.

We are open to hear from any geographic location, but are especially interested in venues outside of North America. We would also strongly encourage expressions of interest from regions/countries that have not previously hosted the conference. For a list of past conference locations, follow this link.

We will simultaneously be exploring venue options through our contracted conference organizing company. This might allow us to find a more cost effective location, but would require organizing and scientific committees to work remotely from the site with occasional travel to the venue. So if your group is interested in hosting a conference, but do not happen to be around facilities that could support it, this could be an opportunity for you.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions about this opportunity or what hosting the conference entails at It is hard work but there is a lot of support from the Society and previous conference organizers. Our Society benefits from having several choices and these efforts are focused on finding the most cost effective model for holding a conference to ensure it is as accessible as possible to our entire membership.

I would like to receive expressions of interest by Friday August 23 so that there is sufficient time to work with each group in the lead up to the conference. Conference venues will be presented and voted on by the membership at the closing members meeting in December.

Thanks in advance to everyone who considers this opportunity/request

Charles Littnan, PhD.
SMM President-Elect

News from Ann

Hello Friends and Colleagues,

As I write you today, I am still getting my “land legs” after having the distinct pleasure of joining an international team of students and other colleagues for a leg of an offshore research cruise. Our goal was simple, to enhance our understanding of the abundance, distribution and behavior of cetaceans off the continental shelf. But the logistical requirements of such an endeavor were anything but simple! From the years-long planning; to the competencies of the crew, honed and developed over collective decades; to the purpose-built vessel that safely plied the winter, and sometimes downright angry, Atlantic waters; to the diversity of technologies onboard including those to detect individual whales that we would never see; to the tags that offer us unparalleled insights into the lives of these divers. All had to work.

This wonderful adventure reminded me that members of our community are every day working across the globe, in a diversity of environments and often under difficult conditions, to carry out critical research on marine mammals. From the poles to the equator, from the pelagic to the riverine, from the sea surface to the abyss, from the Eocene to the Anthropocene, and from the outside to the inside of our species, our colleagues are discovering how marine mammals work in their diverse environments. This information always adds to our understanding of the biological world and is often absolutely required to inform wise management and conservation actions to help preserve marine mammal biodiversity. 

Our strength as a Society relies upon the dedication and hard work of its members. So, thank you all.

Things have been busy within the Society lately! A few highlights – congratulations to our Emily B. Shane Awards winners! The Education Committee and the sub-Committee on Diversity and Inclusion have filled their ranks and are ready to carry out their important work. The World Marine Mammal Conference team has been working diligently (an understatement, really!), and you will soon be asked to submit your abstracts and workshop proposals to ensure that we have the finest scientific program possible. You are being asked to vote on three measures that will strengthen our community – to support our student members, to enhance our ability to recognize the accomplishments of many of our colleagues, and to honor the lifetime achievements of two senior scientists. And your journal is getting a new look, including options for its cover design, upon which you will be asked to vote!

So, a lot is going on! And as always, I look forward to hearing from you if you have any questions or ideas that will continue to enhance our work together.

My very best wishes to you all!

D. Ann Pabst

News from Ann

Hello Good Colleagues!
It has been a busy few months for the Society, and I would like to highlight just a few of these events here.
To begin, please join me in welcoming Dr. Mridula Srinivasan as our new Chair of the Education Committee. Mridula is a very active member of the SMM and helped lead the Women in Marine Mammal Science (WIMMS) Workshop in Halifax. She has worked globally to promote marine mammal science and will bring her commitment to building inclusive communities to her new role. I also wish to thank all the fine individuals who stated their interest in this position – we are very fortunate to have dedicated and passionate colleagues willing to serve our Society.
On November 10-11, we held our interim SMM Board meeting in Barcelona, which included a joint meeting with the Council of the European Cetacean Society (ECS), to discuss and plan for the World Marine Mammal Conference (WMMC). Manel Gazo and Carla Alvarez Chicote, the WMMC Co-Chairs, were our gracious hosts. Many thoughts about the Conference come to mind at once! Our host city of Barcelona is as beautiful, historically-rich, and friendly as you have heard, and Carla and Manel are working very hard to ensure that you will have an opportunity to learn more about, and visit parts of, their city during the Conference. The site of the WMMC, the Barcelona International Convention Center (CCIB), is a world-class facility on the waterfront, which will provide us beautiful and extremely functional space for all our events. The Scientific Co-Chairs, Joan Gonzalvo and Frances Gulland, are developing an exciting program befitting a World Conference, and the Student Organizing Committee, Serena Lagorio and Rebecca Boys (ECS) and Courtney Smith and Raquel García Vernet (SMM) are planning a multitude of science and social events for the student attendees! In addition, there is a small army of dedicated folks who will be working virtually non-stop from now until December 2019 to ensure that the WMMC is a truly global and impactful meeting, and one that you will not want to miss!
In Barcelona, the Board also carried out regular business for our Society. Our focus was to consider how we could best continue to support the work of our colleagues to carry out high quality marine mammal research (especially that with a conservation focus) and how we could help our Society enhance its diversity, inclusiveness, and sense of community. An important outcome of this meeting was the development of a Diversity and Inclusion Statement, now posted to our website with our Mission and Objectives. We must, as a Society, live up to this statement, as our strength and ability to achieve our goals relies utterly upon our being as welcoming and inclusive a community as possible. To help us move forward with these efforts, I hope you all participated in our diversity and inclusion survey before the December 16th deadline. 
I also wish to let you know that you will be asked to vote in early 2019 on two important topics. The first will be a re-definition of the Student Membership category to increase the length of time that a student is eligible for that status. The proposal will define a student as “any person who is actively enrolled in, or within one year of their graduation from, a degree-granting program at an institution of higher learning.” We hope that this change will make it easier for students, who represent the future of our Society, to maintain their active membership as they transition to their next life step. The second vote will be to bestow Honorary Membership to two of our colleagues, to recognize their exceptional contributions to marine mammal science. We look forward to bringing you these votes in early 2019.
In closing, as we look ahead to the new year, and all that it will bring, I also wish to take a moment and reflect upon those colleagues and friends whom we have lost this year. We all stand upon their shoulders, and thus, as a community, can see farther and contribute more.
My very best wishes to you all. 
D. Ann Pabst

News from Ann

Hello Friends and Colleagues,
It is a pleasure, and my honor, to be writing you as President, to share news from the Board, and to highlight a few of the events that you will read more about below. 
An important role of each incoming Board is to carry out a review our Committees, as the vibrancy and well-being of the SMM depend very much on their productive work. We viewed this process as an opportunity to identify collaboratively our goals for the upcoming term and beyond. Two guiding questions that we asked were (1) how can we support the work of our colleagues to carry out high quality marine mammal research (especially that with a conservation focus) and (2) how can we help our Society enhance its diversity, inclusiveness, and sense of community? While we are still completing this process, I do wish to share with you a few points.
First, although I thought I had some idea of how hard our Committees worked, I had not a clue! Based upon my discussions with each Chair about her or his Committee, the news for us all is that there is a small army of dedicated, hard-working volunteers who help make our Society go! We will continue to share with you their efforts in the future. 
Second, because ensuring that we are an inclusive community is a core value of our Society, we have established an Ad-hoc Committee on Diversity, co-Chaired by Eric Archer and Tara Cox. This step was one of Jay Barlow’s last actions as President, and we thank him for it. At this point in time, Eric and Tara are working on the broad outlines of their Committee’s goals and will soon be reaching out to our global scientific community to get a broad representation of the Society to help shape this endeavor. 
Third, Committees offer our members an important opportunity to serve the Society, to learn more about how it works, and to determine if one may wish to take on a leadership role in the future. I would encourage you, if you are interested, to explore our Committee pages and reach out to Committee Chairs, to learn more about their work and how you might play a role. And I now will make such a request, as we have an important Committee Chair to fill. 
Shane Gero, who has served the SMM over the past six years, will be stepping away as Chair of the Education Committee. Shane joined the Board in 2012, and under his leadership, transformed the species fact sheets into the Wikipedia marine mammal species project, helped bring the SMM into the world of social media, and was a generous, hard-working colleague. Although Shane will be stepping down as Chair, he has made it clear that he is not stepping away from the SMM! We all thank Shane for his service!
Thus, we will be looking for a new Chair of the Education Committee. This role is an important one for our Society and one that can help shape our outreach to the world.  May I ask, if you are interested in this important role, that you reach out to me at Thank you!
One other note from the Board. We will be having our interim Board meeting in Barcelona in early November 2018. During this time, we will be meeting jointly with the Council members of the European Cetacean Society, to continue planning the 2019 World Conference. 
I also wish to inform you that Mario Acquarone, Chair of the European Cetacean Society, and I had the privilege of being invited to the African Marine Mammal Colloquium, held last month in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. It was an excellent and exciting meeting, hosted by Port Elizabeth Museum at Bayworld, and the Institute for Coastal and Marine Research, Nelson Mandela University. We were also pleased to have the opportunity to present and to invite our African colleagues to the 2019 World Conference!
My very best wishes to you all,
Ann Pabst

Sad news for our Society: Remembering Dr. Jeanette A. Thomas

It is with deep sadness that we share the news that Dr. Jeanette A. Thomas passed away on 16 July 2018. Dr. Thomas was the 7th President of our Society (1994-1996) and had a long and distinguished career of leadership in the marine mammal world. She was Editor of Aquatic Mammals, served as a scientific advisor for the U.S. Marine Mammal Commission, and edited many important volumes on marine mammal behavior, sensory biology, and the impacts of anthropogenic noise on marine mammals. She also cared very much about students and helped create the Career Guide for the Society for Marine Mammalogy – to this day, one of the most frequented sites on our SMM website. Dr. Thomas helped shape our Society and we are a stronger and better community because of it. And she was a friend to all. We extend our deepest sympathies to her family, friends and colleagues.

Ann and the Board

Dr. Randy Reeves – 2017 Norris Award Winner

Randy Reeves, 2017 Norris Award Winner

The Board of Governors and Board of Associate Editors have selected Randy Reeves as the winner of the Kenneth S. Norris Lifetime Achievement Award. This award was established in honor of the Society’s founding president as an acknowledgement of exemplary lifetime contributions to science and society through research, teaching, and service in marine mammal science. The award is granted every second year, in association with the Society’s Biennial Conference.

Randall Reeves was born, raised, and partially educated in Nebraska. He received degrees from the University of Nebraska, Princeton, and McGill. After becoming hooked on whales in the mid-1970s, he began a 40+-year engagement with marine mammal research and conservation, initially as a research associate at the Smithsonian Institution, later based at the Arctic Biological Station near Montreal, and most recently out of his home in Hudson, Quebec. Besides participating in field projects on bowheads and narwhals in Alaska, the Canadian Arctic, and Greenland, on right whales and other cetaceans in the North Atlantic, and on river dolphins and coastal cetaceans in Asia and South America, he has spent a great deal of time in archives investigating the history of marine mammal exploitation. As chair of the IUCN/SSC Cetacean Specialist Group since 1996, he has been responsible for preparing and evaluating Red List assessments, drafting conservation action plans, and advising government agencies, intergovernmental bodies, and non-governmental organizations. He has published numerous journal articles, book chapters, and books on marine mammal conservation and science and is a long-time member of the IWC Scientific Committee and of Mexico’s vaquita recovery committee. Reeves also chairs the U.S. Marine Mammal Commission’s Committee of Scientific Advisers.

As this year’s honoree, Randy will deliver a plenary lecture at the Biennial Conference in Halifax and will write an associated paper for Marine Mammal Science. Please join us in congratulating Dr. Reeves on this award.

SMM President, Jay Barlow, at Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biology Diversity

Your president, Jay Barlow, is currently representing the SMM at the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP-CBD) in Cancun, Mexico. The Society was invited to participate by Mexico’s environmental minister, Rafael Pachiano Alaman, who was one of the recipients of the SMM Conservation Merit Award at the last biennial. The theme of this year’s meeting (COP13) is the mainstreaming of biodiversity conservation. In this context, “mainstreaming” means spreading the responsibility for biodiversity conservation from the environmental ministries to other sectors of government, including fisheries, forestry, and agriculture.  Barlow issued a position statement from the SMM pleading for additional help in preventing the extinction of the vaquita:

SMM President, Jay Barlow, to attend Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 13) in December 2016

Jay Barlow, Society for Marine Mammalogy President, has been invited to attend the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 13).

The purpose of this meeting is to set the scene and provide the necessary impetus to make progress on specific issues in conservation and to discuss challenges and opportunities. During COP 13, about ten thousand participants, including representatives of the countries parties, observer countries, international organizations and others interested will meet in Cancun to negotiate agreements and commitments that give impulse to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity as well as the implementation of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and the Aichi goals.

Jay’s presence at the meeting will help to promote the goals of the SMM’s conservation committee in the worldwide conservation of marine mammals in being the go-to source for governments and NGOs to obtain facts and unbiased reviews. 

The meeting will take place in Cancun, Mexico on December 1-2, 2016. To find out more about the meeting, visit:

Dr. James Mead – 2015 Norris Award Winner

JGM dissecting 2008 07 12I am delighted to announce that the winner the 2015 Norris Award is James Mead. Jim is a truly worthy recipient of an award which was established in the name of the society’s founding president to acknowledge his exemplary lifetime contribution to science and society through research, teaching, and service in marine mammalogy.

Jim is Curator Emeritus at the Smithsonian, a title bestowed upon him on his retirement in 2009. Jim was appointed curator of marine mammals at the Natural History Museum, Smithsonian Institution, in 1972 and it is from his work here, particularly on anatomy and ziphiids, that he is best known. Jim has published widely in science on cetacean biology, usually specimen – informed, as well as books for a more general audience, such as “Whales in Question”. His greatest work is the lexicon on the dolphin skull which took some 15 years of research and writing.

Jim first discovered an interest in natural history during his childhood in and around the Olympic Peninsula, Washington State, USA. As a school kid, he helped his dad to log trees, learned to drive a bulldozer and drove truckloads of logs to the mill. This early foray into logging convinced him to take up a different career and he subsequently won a place at Yale University, Connecticut, USA, with the intention of becoming a botanist. Jim, in fact, drifted into vertebrate paleontology and while conducting field work in Kenya came across a fossil in an ancient river strata which catalyzed his career long discourse in ziphiid anatomy. After Yale, Jim moved to Austin, Texas, to study for a masters on fossils where he also developed a proficiency with human anatomy. More significantly, Jim bought his Land Rover which still survives in Jim’s possession today! And, perhaps more importantly, he gained a room mate, his future wife, Becky Maglidt.

Following his masters, it was off to the University of Chicago, Illinois, to study for his PhD. By chance, Jim had an opportunity to dissect a dolphin and it was this event that set him on the path to his career in cetology. His PhD led to a major monograph on the anatomy of the dolphin head and he established the anatomical basis for echolocation. After his PhD, Jim worked in the Canadian Province of Newfoundland where he gained experience with large cetaceans. Jim was appointed as curator of marine mammals at the Smithsonian in 1972, at about the same time as Charley Potter who became long-term collection manager. Jim and Charley developed an active recovery program for cetaceans from USA eastern shores. Jim went so far as to learn to fly while working in Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, to increase their ability to spot strandings. The recovered specimens were prepared in a necropsy lab located in the centre of one of the Museum’s courtyards. A pungent procedure that ensured all the staff knew when THAT work was under way! Jim and Charley worked hard to fill the gaps in the Smithsonian marine mammal collection which has resulted in the collection being the largest and most important in the world today.

Jim was not only an excellent and dedicated researcher, he also encouraged pre- and post-docs to visit and work with the Marine Mammal Program and thus he launched many young cetologists on their careers. His office was a clearing-house for cetology, a place to meet colleagues and to admire Jim’s library. Visits to Jim’s office were excellent social occasions and provided the motivation to eat out at a new place or look at a new exhibition. Likewise, Jim’s house in Arlington, commonly known as the “the Happiness Hotel”, has been a meeting place and both short and long-term home for interns, fellowship students and diverse cetological vagrants.

As a recipient of the Norris Award, Jim has been invited to give a plenary lecture at the Society for Marine Mammalogy Biennial Conference between December 13-18, 2015 and to write an associated paper for Marine Mammal Science.

Acknowledgements go to Ewan Fordyce for his insights and contributions in providing us with this history