
The Society for Marine Mammalogy has the following standing committees: the Membership Committee, Committee of Scientific Advisors, Taxonomy Committee, Conference Committee, Scientific Program Committee, Education Committee, Awards and Scholarships Committee, Nominations/Election Committee, Board of Editors, International Relations Committee, Ethics Committee, Conservation Committee, Student Affairs Committee, Diversity and Inclusion Committee, Fellows Committee, an ad hoc Science Communications Committee, an ad hoc Strategic Planning Committee and an ad hoc Archives Committee. Student members identified by asterisks (*).

Awards & Scholarships Committee

Lindsay Porter

The Awards and Scholarship committee recognises and supports the outstanding contribution the Society membership makes to the global advancement of marine mammal science through the development, judging, and granting of awards and scholarships, including conference awards that recognise outstanding presentations, travel grants that allow researchers to present at the biennial conference and scholarships that fund a diversity of research projects throughout the world’s oceans.

Lindsay Porter, Chair
Senior Research Scientist
SEAMAR (Hong Kong SAR)

Simon Allen (University Western Australia, Australia and Bristol University, UK)
Luis Bedrinana-Romano (Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile)
Kimberley Bennett (Abertay University, Scotland)
Daryl Boness (Editor-in-Chief, Marine Mammal Science)
Louise Chilvers (Massey University, New Zealand)
Alyson Fleming (Smithsonian, USA)
Daniela Haro Díaz (Santo Tomás University, Chile)
Leslie New (Washingtn State University, USA)
Kelsey Potlock (US Fish and Wildlife Service, USA)
Yang Wei Cheng (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)

Board of Editors for Marine Mammal Science

The Board of Editors are responsible for determining content for the Society’s journal, Marine Mammal Science, by evaluating feedback from selected reviewers and making decisions on all manuscripts submitted to the journal and special publications. The Board of Editors establishes minor policies concerning the journal and advises the Board of Governors on major policies regarding the journal. They also select the winners of the Society’s F. G. Wood Memorial Scholarship Award and John R. Twiss, Jr. Award, which are based on papers published in Marine Mammal Science, and in conjunction with the Board of Governors, vote on the candidates for the Society’s Kenneth S. Norris Lifetime Achievement Award.

daryl boness Daryl J. Boness, Editor-in-Chief
41 Green Acres Road, Hartford ME 04220-5035, USA
Phone: (+1) 207-597-2333; Fax: (+1) 207-597-2333

Patricia Rosel, Deputy Editor (NOAA Southeast Fisheries Science Center, USA)
John Arnould (Deakin University, Australia)
Frank Fish (West Chester University, USA)
Jaume Forcada (British Antarctic Survey, UK)
Ari Friedlaender (University of California Santa Cruz, USA)
Tracey Goldstein (University of Illinois, USA)
Phil Hammond (University of St. Andrews, Scotland)
Gisela Heckel (Ensenada Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education, Mexico)
Luis Hückstädt (University of Exeter, USA)
Janet Lanyon (University of Queenland, Australia)
Véronique Lesage, (Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Canada)
Songhai Li, (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Felix Marx (Museum of New Zealand Te Papa, New Zealand)
Kathryn A. Ono (University of New England, USA)
Adam Pack (University of Hawaii at Hilo, USA)
Mario Pardo (Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada
Unidad La Paz
, Mexico)
Guido Parra (Flinders University, Australia)
Denise Risch (Scottish Association for Marine Sciences, Scotland)
Sofie Van Parijs
(Northeast Fisheries Science Center, NOAA, USA)
Randall S. Wells (
Chicago Zoological Society, USA)

Committee of Scientific Advisors

The Committee of Scientific Advisors provides advice the Board of Governors on scientific matters and assures that the information used by the Board of Governors in any decisions taken is based on the best available scientific information. It also reviews scientific material for accuracy before it is posted on the Society website with the exception of material vetted by a standing committee of the Society and manages and administers the Society’s “Small Grant in Aid of Research” program. Also see: Terms of Reference

Laura J. May-Collado, Chair
Department of Biology, University of Vermont and Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama.
Phone: (+1) 802-656-4138

Enrique Alberto Crespo (National Research Council of Argentina, Argentina)
Aricia Duarte (University of São Paulo,Brazil)
Fernando Elorriaga-Verplancken (
Instituto Politécnico Nacional-CICIMAR,Mexico)
Edem Eniang
(University of Uyo, Nigeria)
Robert Harcourt (Macquarie University, Australia)
Songhai Li (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Ada Natoli (Zayed University, United Arab Emirates)
Doris Oliva (Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile)
Emma Cherenski (University of Bristol, UK)*
Rachel A. Racicot
(Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum, Germany)
Colleen Reichmuth (University of California, Santa Cruz, USA)
Laela Sayigh (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA)
Jorge Urbán R. (Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur, Mexico)

Tom Cezimbra, (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)*

*student representatives

Conference Organizing Committee for Perth, Australia 2024

The Conference Committee is responsible for making all necessary arrangements for the upcoming Biennial Conference, with concurrence of the Board of Governors, including scheduling and arranging facilities and other amenities. The Conference Committee is also responsible for scheduling the scientific and conference program and all elements related to the conference, raising funds, managing conference registration, all financial transactions related to the conference and providing accounting of all financial transactions to the Board.

Krista Nicholson
Conference Co-Chair

Research Fellow
Murdoch University, Western Australia
Phone: +61 404 923 394

Daniella Hanf
Conference Co-Chair

Principal Scientist
O2Marine, Western Australia
Phone: +61 405 188 857

Delphine Chabanne
Scientific Program Co-Chair

Research Fellow
Murdoch University, Western Australia
Phone: +61 447 134 824

Simon Allen
Scientific Program Co-Chair

Senior Lecturer
University of Bristol, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 77047 53101

Conservation Committee

The Conservation Committee advises the Board of Governors on matters related to the conservation and management of marine mammals and provides the Board of Governors with information that may be requested from time to time.  The Conservation Committee oversees the development of Presidential Letters as a mechanism to provide timely comment on the evidence base for issues related to the conservation and management of marine mammals where the majority of the Society’s membership likely would hold the same opinion. The Conservation Committee may also award a special Conservation Merit Prize at the Biennial Conference.

Eduardo R. Secchi, Chair
Laboratório de Ecologia e Conservação da Megafauna Marinha-Ecomega
Instituto de Oceanografia
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande-FURG
Rio Grande-RS, Brazil, 96203-900
Phone: ++55 (53) 99945-3990

Masao Amano (Nagasaki University, Japan)
Katherina Audley (Whales of Guerrero, México)
Julia Dombroski*
(Syracuse University, USA)
Ari Friedlander (Duke University Marine Lab, USA)
Simon Goldsworthy (South Australia Research and Development Institute, Australia)
Phil Hammond (Sea Mammal Research Unit, University of St Andrews, Scotland)
Lucy Keith-Diagne (African Aquatic Conservation Fund, Senegal)
Kit Kovacs (Norwegian Polar Institute, Norway)
Stephanie Norman (Marine-Med, USA)
Randy Reeves (Okapi Wildlife Associates, Canada)
Brian Smith (Wildlife Conservation Society, Ocean Giants Program, USA)
Barbara Taylor (Southwest Fisheries Science Center, USA)
Christina Toms*
(University of Central Florida, USA)
Randy Wells (Mote Marine Laboratory, USA)

Education Committee

The Education Committee works with students, experts, and enthusiasts to provide tools and resources to students and researchers of different backgrounds and expertise interested in building a career in marine mammal science.

Cara Gallagher, Chair
University of Potsdam, Germany

Tabris Chung (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR)
Abigail Haddock
(Dolphin Research Center, USA)
Dr. Brian Kot (
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR)
Elisabeth Mansur
 (WCS – Bangladesh)
Heather Platt* (University of Tasmania, Australia)
Patricia (Patty) Sullivan, (Sanctuary Education Advisory Specialists (SEAS), LLC – USA)
Henry Tsui (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR)

Ethics Advisory Committee

The Ethics Committee serves the membership by responding to members regarding ethical issues concerning marine mammals. We strive to assure excellence in research and to assure the well being of marine mammals. We work closely with and advise the Board of Governors and consider specific ethical issues brought by the members to the Board. We advise the Editor of Marine Mammal Science on ethical issues, initiate and inform the membership on ethical issues and assist other committees as requested. Also see our Terms of Reference.

Karen Stockin, Chair
Cetacean Ecology Research Group, School of Natural and Computational Sciences, Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand
Phone: +64 (0)21 423997

Kristen Ampela (HDR EOC, USA)
Michelle Barbieri (NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service, USA)
Caroline Casey (University of California, Santa Cruz, USA)
Ellen Hines
(San Francisco State University, USA)
Kelly Jaakkola (Dolphin Research Center, USA)
Michael Moore (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA)
Todd Ohara (University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA)
Lorenzo Rojas-Bracho (CONABIO, Mexico)
Kuit Sui Hang (Vivian)* (University of Malaysia, Malaysia)
Genyffer Cibele Troina* (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG) and Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Brazil)

International Relations Committee

The International Relations Committee advises the Board of Governors on actions to broaden the international reach of the Society, such as facilitating the participation to the Society’s activities by members from all continents, and supporting the attendance to Biennial Conferences by non-student members from low-income countries. Also see our General Operating Principles.

Lucy Keith Diagne, Chair
African Aquatic Conservation Senegal, West Africa
Phone: +1 (508) 388-9824

Amalia Alberini (WWF Greece, Greece)
Katherina Audley (Whales of Guerrero, Mexico)
Gillian Braulik
(University of Saint Andrews, UK)
Robert L. Brownell, Jr. (NOAA Fisheries, USA)
Enrique A. Crespo (Centro Nacional Patagónico, Argentina)
Asha de Vos (The Sri Lankan Blue Whale Project, Sri Lanka)
Ayça Eleman* (University of Iceland, Turkey)
Peter Evans
(Bangor University, UK)
Joan Gonzalvo (Tethys Research Institute, Spain)
Nobuyuki Miyazaki
(Ocean Research Institute, Japan)
Dipani Sutaria (Cetacean Ecologist, Ahmedabad, India) 

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee oversees the administration, management and support of the Society’s membership, in coordination with the Society Information and Technology Manager. This includes assisting members with membership renewals, access to members’ only sections of the website, such as the journal and the membership directory.

Nicola Ransome, Chair
La Orca de Sayulita, Sayulita, México

Natalie Bowes (Independent Marine Mammal Biologist, Canada)
Delphine Chabanne* (Murdoch University, Australia)
Bill Keener (Golden Gate Cetacean Research, USA)
James Powell* (Portland State University, USA)

Nominations and Elections Committee

The Nominations/Election Committee provides the Board of Governors with a slate of no more than two candidates per office during election years, and produces, transmits and counts the ballots.

Katharina Peters, Chair
School of Earth, Atmospheric and Life Sciences, University of Wollongong
Wollongong, NSW 2522, Australia

Tom Akamatsu (Ocean Policy Research Institute, The Sasakawa Peace Foundation, Japan)
Rebecca M. Boys (Massey University, New Zealand)
Dan Costa (University of California Santa Cruz, USA)
Taylor Hersh (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Netherlands)
Carolina Loch Santos da Silva (University of Otago, New Zealand) 

Taxonomy Committee

The Taxonomy Committee’s mission is to keep abreast of the taxonomy of marine mammals worldwide and maintain a standard, accepted classification and nomenclature for researchers, managers, and conservationists to reference and follow. Also see: Terms of Reference

Ana Costa (University of Miami, Miami, USA)
Telephone: +1 (305) 284-8376

Masao Amano (Nagasaki University, Japan)
Frederick (Eric) I. Archer, II,
(NOAA Fisheries, USA)
C. Scott Baker (Oregon State University, USA)
Daryl J. Boness (University of Maine, USA)
Robert L. Brownell, Jr. (NOAA Fisheries, USA)
Morgan Churchill, (University of Wisconsin,USA)
Daryl P. Domning (Howard University, USA)
Thomas A. Jefferson (NOAA Fisheries, USA)
Carl Kinze (Denmark)
Felix Marx (Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, New Zealand)
Michael McGowen (Smithsonian Institution, USA)
Larissa Rosa de Oliveira (Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Brazil)
Patricia Rosel (NOAA Fisheries, USA)
John Y. Wang (CetAsia Research Group, Canada)

Student Affairs Committee

The Student Affairs Committee is responsible for organizing a Student Affairs Workshop and other potential student activities to be held at the Biennial Conferences, which ideally emphasize acquiring skill and advice from professionals, as well as fostering connections between Student members. The Student Affairs Committee also develops and implements a scheme to distribute student travel grants for the Biennial Conferences, facilitates and encourages the formation of Society Student Chapters, which includes maintaining, updating, and implementing the Student Chapter Guidelines and Application Form, communicates relevant information to Student Members and provides the Board of Governors with information relating to student affairs. Additionally, the Student Affairs Committee manages and maintains the SMM Student Members Facebook page and Twitter account, in coordination with the ad hoc Social Media Committee.

Student Members-at-Large:

Theresa-Anne Tatom-Naecker (USA) (2021-2023)
University of California Santa Cruz
1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA
Phone: (314) 703-2210

Sophia Volzke (Australia) (2022-2024)
University of Tasmania – Institute for Marine and Antarctic Science
20 Castray Esplanade, Battery Point 7004, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia


Clinton Factheu (Cameroon) (2024-2026)
University of Yaoundé 1
Ngoa-Ekélé, Yaoundé
Phone: +237 676601221

Diversity and Inclusion Committee

The Diversity and Inclusion Committee helps to identify ways the Society can widen the pipeline that brings new scientists into the field, advance in their career goals, and make the Society more welcoming and inclusive of a diverse array of members. Also see: Terms of Reference

Frederick (Eric) I Archer, Chair
Southwest Fisheries Science Center 8901 La Jolla Shores Drive La Jolla, CA 92037 USA
Phone: +1 858 546 7121

Diversity and Inclusion Subcommittees

Women and Families
Frances Robertson (San Juan County Marine Program, USA)
Amy Van Cise (University of Washington, USA)
Nicola Quick (Duke University, USA)
Cynthia Smith (National Marine Mammal Foundation, USA)
Phillip Morin (Southwest Fisheries Science Center, USA)
Neurodiverse and Differently Abled
Mel Cosentino (Aarhus University, Denmark)
Underrepresented Racial and Ethnic Minorities
Tara Cox (Savannah State University, USA)
Matthew Leslie (US Geological Survey, USA)
Shiva Javdan (Canadian Wildlife Federation, Canada)
International Representation
Ayaka Amaha Ozturk (Istanbul University, Turkey)
Yoko Mitani (Hokkaido University, Japan)
Luis Huckstädt (University of Exeter, UK)

Fellows Committee

From our Constitution, a Fellow is a member who has “rendered conspicuous service or made truly notable contributions to the advancement and diffusion of the knowledge of marine mammal science or the fostering of its practical applications through conservation of marine mammals.” 

The Fellows Committee is Chaired by the two Members at Large, who are non-voting members of the Committee, one Student Member at Large and an odd number of past Fellows. The past fellows will make up the Fellows Committee to select new Fellows every two years.

Our Fellows Committee 2024 are listed below and we are thankful to them for their time and support.

Voting Members:
Dr Daniel Costa (University of California, Santa Cruz, USA)
Suzanne Yin (Hawaii Marine Mammal consortium, USA)
Janet Mann (Georgetown University, USA)
Enrique Alberto Crespo (CONICET CETPAT, Patagonia Argentina)Ailsa Hall (University of St Andrews, Scotland UK)
Ailsa Hall (University of St Andrews, Scotland UK)

Non-voting Members:
Cindy Peter (University of Malaysia, Sarawak)
Dipani Sutaria (Marine Mammal Network of India, India)
Clinton Factheu
(University of Yaoundé 1, Cameroon)
If required, in any last minute emergencies, the President will become a voting member.

Ad hoc Science Communication Committee

Vanessa Pirotta, Chair (Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia)
Katherina Audley (Information and Technology Manager, Society for Marine Mammalogy; Whales of Guerrero)
Laura May-Collado (University of Vermont and Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama)
Abigail Haddock (Dolphin Research Center, USA)
Shiva Jardan (Canadian Wildlife Federation, Canada)
Jennifer Lewis (Que Sera Sera Films and George Mason University, USA)
Katharina Peters
(School of Earth, Atmospheric and Life Sciences, University of Wollongong, Australia)
Lindsay Porter (SEAMAR, Hong Kong SAR)
Nicola Ransome
(La Orca de Sayulita, Sayulita, México)
Yandeh Sallah-Muhammed
Anne Sleeman
(WatchSpotter, USA)
Mridula Srinivasan
(Marine Mammal and Turtle Division, Southeast Fisheries Science Center, NOAA Fisheries, USA)
Dipani Sutaria (Cetacean Ecologist, Ahmedabad, India)
Sophia Volzke
* (University of Tasmania – Institute for Marine and Antarctic Science)
Martha Wells (Sarasota Dolphin Research Program, USA)

Ad hoc Strategic Planning Committee

D. Ann Pabst, Co-Chair (University of North Carolina at Wilmington, USA)
Charles Littnan, Co-Chair (NOAA, USA)

Dee Allen (Marine Mammal Commission, USA)
Tara Cox (Savannah State University, USA)
Simon Goldsworthy
(South Australia Research and Development Institute, Australia)
Jeremy Kiszka (Florida International University, USA)
Katie Moore
Andy Read (Duke University, USA)

Ad hoc Archives Committee

WartzokDoug Wartzok, Chair (Floria International University, USA)

Thomas Jefferson (Clymene Enterprises, USA)
Sarah Piwetz (Texas Marine Mammal Stranding Network, USA)