Marine Mammal Science publishes significant new findings on marine mammals resulting from original research on their form and function, evolution, systematics, physiology, biochemistry, behavior, population biology, life history, genetics, ecology and conservation.
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Range extensions, unusual observations of behavior, and preliminary studies of a few individuals are published only where there is sufficient new information to render the manuscript of general interest. Low priority will be given to confirmatory investigations of local or regional interest.
The Journal endorses the principle that experiments using live animals should be undertaken only for the purpose of advancing knowledge. Consideration should be given to the appropriateness of experimental procedures, species of animals used, and number of animals required. All animal experimentation reported in Marine Mammal Science must be conducted in conformity with the relevant animal care codes of the country of origin. The Editor will refuse manuscripts in which evidence of adherence to such codes is not apparent.
Marine Mammal Science publishes
- Articles: important original research;
- Review articles: critical appraisals which place recent research in a new conceptual framework;
- Notes: short communications on current research, important preliminary findings or new techniques;
- Opinions: invited contributions on selected topics;
- Letters: a forum for communications in response to papers previously published in Marine Mammal Science, opinion, interpretation, and new information on all topics of interest to marine mammalogists.
Articles, Review articles and Notes are subject to peer review. Any Letter challenging published results or interpretations is transmitted to the author of the published work with an invitation to respond. The letter and its response are published simultaneously. Letters are judged by the Editor on appropriateness of the subject and interest to readers and may be sent to reviewers.