Honorary Members

Our Honorary Members are the marine mammal science giants upon whose shoulders we all stand. They pioneered research methods, brought students and colleagues into the field, served their scientific community, and brought their science to bear on critical conservation issues. Honorary Members are recommended unanimously by the Board of Governors, elected by two-thirds of the voting members, and have all the privileges of full members but are exempt from dues.

Active Honorary Members

  • Robert L. Brownell, USA
  • Wang Ding, China
  • Vera da Silva, Brazil
  • Michael A. Fedak, United Kingdom
  • Frances Gulland, USA
  • Toshio Kasuya, Japan
  • Gerald L. Kooyman, USA
  • Christina Lockyer, Norway
  • Miriam Marmontel, Brazil
  • Helene Marsh, Australia
  • James G. Mead, USA
  • Clayton E. Ray, USA
  • Randall R. Reeves, Canada
  • Donald B. Siniff, USA
  • Barbara Taylor, USA
  • Bernd Würsig, USA

Deceased Honorary Members