Audience Favourites
2019 World Marine Mammal Conference Judges’ Discretionary Award
Presented for an outstanding contribution to science and conservation through collaborative research
2019 Winners: Sasha Dines and the SouSA Consortium, South Africa
SouSA: A nation-wide collaboration to improve the conservation of South Africa’s Indian Ocean humpback dolphins (Sousa plumbea).
2019 Audience Favourite Conference Award Winners:
Monday: Peter Madsen
Harbour porpoises modify biosonar behaviour in different environmental contexts
Tuesday: Danielle Crain
A different kind of wax museum: Forecasting population trajectories of baleen whales using reproductive parameters from earplugs
Wednesday: Mervi Kunnasranta
Coping with climate change in conservation of the endangered Saimaa ringed seal
Thursday: Michelle Fournet
Bearded seals adjust calling behaviour to compensate for ambient noise, Alaska
2019 Judges’ Discretionary “Hey Wow” Award
David Rosen: Dive, Steller, Dive: New insights into how marine mammals respond to changes in prey distribution
2017 Audience Favourite Conference Award Winners:
(Read all 2017 Audience Favourite abstracts here.)
Monday: Michelle Fournet
Southeast Alaska humpback whales increase non-song source levels in higher natural or manmade ambient noise
Tuesday: John Calambokidis
A high risk intertidal feeding strategy for gray whales examined with new suction-cup attached multi-sensor video tags
Wednesday: David Rosen
Dive, Steller, Dive: New insights into how marine mammals respond to changes in prey distribution
Thursday: Casey Clark
Braving the elements: Investigating Pacific walrus life history and movements using trace elements in teeth
Friday: Ari Friedlaender
Turning left to stay right: A unique test of lateralization across the full range of three-dimensional foraging maneuvers in blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus)