Congratulations to the 2024 Grants In Aid of Research Recipients!
The 2024 SGIAR Program was funded by Dolphin Quest, Chelonia Limited, and several members of our society. The society sincerely thank you for your support to this career changing program.
Isotopic niche of juvenile Guadalupe fur seals (Arctocephalus townsendi) from the Gulf of California, Mexico, Yuly T. Serrano Rodriguez
Influence of trophic niche on plastic ingestion in two sympatric small cetaceans from northern Argentina: Phocoena spinipinnis and Pontoporia blainvillei, Argentina, Antonella Padula
Sentinels of the sea: monitoring potential pathogenic bacteria in harbor seals and their habitat in Mexico, Mexico, Arlette Pacheco
Genomic analysis of enigmatic killer whale (Orcinus orca) populations of Southwestern Atlantic, Brazil, Hugo F. Gonçalves da Silva
Is Lanugo a Suitable Matrix to Determine Selenium Status in California Sea Lion Pups? Seeking Alternatives to Decrease Physiological Stress During Handling, Mexico, Daniela A. Murillo Cisneros
Intraspecific variation in the isotopic niche and feeding areas of the Guadalupe fur sea, Mexico, Marlon Molina Nieves
Sea lion vs fur seals: Understanding the roots of sea lion (Otaria byronia) predation of South American fur seals (Arctocephalus australis australis), Chile, Aranza Gomez
Prenatal and postnatal development of the auditory region of delphinids (Delphinus delphis and Orcinus orca), Argentina, Viviana Milano
Spinner and spotted dolphins: Marine ecosystem sentinels of the Mexican South Pacific, Mexico, Arturo B. Enríquez-García
How many dolphins are in this river? Visual and acoustic monitoring of Guiana dolphin (Sotalia guianensis) in an urban river in Northeastern Brazil, Brazil, Diana Carvalho de Freitas
Fine scale population genomic dynamics of the Cape fur seal (Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus), South Africa, Charlotte Combrink
Inter and intraspecific variation in the trophic ecology of the dwarf and pygmy sperm whales, Brazil, Hellen Nascimento Leite