Society News

June 29, 2020

Wiki Species Pages Continue to Improve and Other News from the Education Committee

Wiki student curators continue to be hard at work in drafting and publishing wiki species pages. Here is the current list of active Wiki Species Pages (18 species). We continue to seek new student curators for the Wiki Species Pages. So, if you are interested and have some unexpected free time due to COVID-19, consider […]

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Marine Mammal Science Podcast

The Marine Mammal Science podcast has been going from strength to strength. The podcast has been a top 3 nature podcast in 39 countries, reaching the number 1 nature podcast position in 28 counties, including*:  Argentina1, Australia1, Brazil1, Canada2, Chile1, Colombia1, Costa Rica1, Denmark1, Ecuador1, Estonia1, Finland1, Germany2, Hong Kong1, Iceland3, India1, Italy1, Ireland2, Japan2, […]

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June 25, 2020

Reminder: Small Grants in Aid of Research Deadline is Approaching

The Society for Marine Mammalogy would like to remind eligible members (see below) that this year’s Small Grants in Aid of Research application window will close on 30 June 2020 at 12 PM Eastern Daylight Time. The Committee of Scientific Advisors will review applications and make recommendations on funding with decisions announced in early September. […]

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June 4, 2020

New Board Members, Enhanced Diversity and Inclusion, and the 2023 Conference Venue Highlights 

New Board Members, Enhanced Diversity and Inclusion, and the 2023 Conference Venue Highlights The results from the Society of Marine Mammalogy’s 2020 election are in. On this ballot, our members were asked to select new board officers (President-Elect, Treasurer, Secretary, Member-at-Large, and two Student Members-at-Large), approve changes to our governing documents, and choose the host city […]

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A Letter to the Community Regarding Racial Injustice

Dear Marine Mammal Science Community, A core tenet of the Society for Marine Mammalogy is that our science is strengthened by the participation of people representing all ages, races, national, cultural, and socio-economic backgrounds, genders, gender identities, sexual orientations, and physical abilities. Our science is at its best when all voices are at the table. […]

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