Society for Marine Mammalogy News

June 21, 2017

Coll Perske Memorial Fund for Marine Mammals Student Presentation Award(s): Call for Applications (Due July 12, 2017)

On April 28, 2014, we lost an amazing friend and colleague, Coll Gordon Perske. To honor Coll’s life and unwavering dedication to marine mammals, the National Marine Mammal Foundation established the Coll Perske Memorial Fund for Marine Mammals.  The mission of the fund is to improve the lives of marine mammals, with a focus on California […]

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May 23, 2017

Marine Mammal Commission proposed for elimination

The US President’s budget released on May 23, 2017 zeros out funding for the Marine Mammal Commission. The Commission’s annual budget ($3.43 M) represents one cent per person per year. The MMC has a long history of sponsoring and facilitating international marine mammal science and conservation. The elimination of the MMC will limit the US […]

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May 6, 2017

Members’ Vote on 2019 SMM Conference Venue and Bylaws Change

Dear SMM member, The Board is requesting your valued input on two important items. The first item is exciting news about our 2019 conference. This meeting, which will be the 2nd World Marine Mammal Science Conference, will be co-hosted by the European Cetacean Society. We are fortunate to have two strong proposals for the four-day long […]

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April 21, 2017

SMM Supports the March for Science

On Earth Day, April 22, 2017 the Society for Marine Mammalogy reaffirms our mission and joins scientists and citizens from around the globe in their efforts to promote science that serves the common good, is inclusive, and advances evidence-based solutions to challenges facing our globe. We encourage all of our membership to attend local March […]

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March 16, 2017

Self-plagiarism and plagiarism policy for Marine Mammal Science

Most people publishing in scientific journals are aware of what plagiarism is, but fewer think about the concept of self-plagiarism, except for maybe the idea of duplicate publishing of the same study. However, less clear, but nonetheless of concern, is the reuse of text repeated verbatim or nearly verbatim from one paper to another without […]

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