Members’ Vote on 2019 SMM Conference Venue and Bylaws Change

Dear SMM member,

The Board is requesting your valued input on two important items.

The first item is exciting news about our 2019 conference. This meeting, which will be the 2nd World Marine Mammal Science Conference, will be co-hosted by the European Cetacean Society. We are fortunate to have two strong proposals for the four-day long conference. As a current SMM member, you are invited to participate in the selection process by casting your vote for one of the two conference venues and dates – in Barcelona, Spain – December 9-12, 2019 or in La Rochelle, France – September 29-October 2, 2019. Detailed information on each option is provided within the ballot.

The second item is a request for your consideration and vote on a proposed change to our Society’s Bylaws. The Bylaws may be modified by a majority of votes cast by electronic ballot.

For both votes, you will need to log in to the website with your member e-mail address and password, but your vote will be recorded anonymously.

You must vote on all available options and submit your ballot, as this ballot on our website will not permit you to visit the voting page more than once.

Here is the link to the ballot:

The ballot will close at 3:00 PM EST on 19th May 2017.

We know that all of our members are busy and we are deeply respectful of your time and consideration of these important votes, which will help guide the future of our Society.

Best wishes,
Jay and Ann