Marine Mammal Science Job Openings

Internships, Volunteer Opportunities & Certificates in Marine Mammal Biology and Conservation Ecology

Job Category: Internship Opportunities (paid), Internship Opportunities (unpaid), Student Level Positions, Volunteer Opportunities
Date Posted:

The University of Alaska Anchorage, Kenai Peninsula College, Kachemak Bay Campus has a few openings in its Semester by the Bay (SBB) Program this spring 2024 and fall 2024. SBB is an Alaska, place-based experiential learning program in Homer that not only provides engaging marine and estuarine internships (some paid via free or reduced housing), but also offers transcripted Occupational Endorsement Certificates (OEC) in Marine Mammal Biology (fall) and Conservation Ecology (spring). Plus, second-year Undergraduates through post-PhD students are eligible, and all receive in-state tuition.

Classes offer extensive field, lab, and classroom experiences, as well as independent research projects. Each spring semester includes Conservation Biology, Exploration Ecology & Field Study, Global Climate Change, Sharing Science Across Diverse Audiences, and Internship in the Biological Sciences. Each fall semester includes Advanced Marine Mammal Skeletal Articulation, Marine Mammal Biology & Experiential Learning, Behavioral Ecology of Marine Mammals & Experiential Learning, Undergraduate Seminar in Marine Mammal Conservation, and Internship in the Biological Sciences.

Internship and volunteer opportunities with local agencies and NGOs include, but are not limited to: photo-identification of marine mammals (harbor porpoise, humpback whale, beluga whale, killer whale) and habitat assessment (eDNA/eRNA of prey availability, water quality); sea otter habitat use, prey and potential pathogens; marine mammal stranding network response; environmental education and outreach; sustainability of peat wetlands; marine invasives; GIS and habitat mapping of nearshore kelp ecosystems; marine debris.

We will work with students and their institutions to ensure course transferability, whenever applicable, in order to earn our OECs. Please see our website for more information on internships and the SBB program:


We welcome any questions at

Thank you,
Dr. Debbie Boege Tobin