Attention student members of the Society for Marine Mammology: the Board is requesting that you get involved in one of the standing committees. Each committee should have at least one student member.
We are seeking an indication of interest from students, and committee chairs will draw from the pool of interested students to put forward individuals for Board consideration as potential committee members.
It is very exciting as it lets you get actively and directly involved with issues regarding the Society and enact one of its main purposes: to evaluate and promote the educational, scientific and managerial advancement of marine mammal science.
I have included a brief description of each of the Society’s Standing Committees that require your involvement:
- Membership Committee
Solicits, receives and reviews membership applications. Maintains the members’ area on the Society’s website including the membership database with the listing of current Society members, and may itself propose new members - Committee of Scientific Advisors
Provides the Board of Governors with scientific information as may be requested and manages and administers the Society’s “Small Grants in Aid of Research” program - Conference Committee
Is responsible for making all the necessary arrangements for Biennial conferences, including scheduling and arranging facilities and other amenities - Education Committee
Is responsible for duties such as the dissemination of fact sheets and information on careers, facilities, programs, and institutions - Scientific Program Committee
Is responsible for arranging for scientific programs for conferences, meetings and workshops - Awards and Scholarship Committee
Is responsible for establishing policies relating to awards and scholarships. It also oversees the development, judging, and granting of the awards and scholarships of the Society. - Nominations/Election Committee
Provides the Board of Governors with a slate of candidates for elective officers, collaborates with the Secretary and the Membership manager to produce electronic ballots to voting members - International Relations Committee
Advises the Board of Governors on specific issues and actions concerning contributions to libraries and academic institutions that otherwise could not afford subscriptions to the Society’s journal, and contributions to non-student members from developing nations that require assistance to participate in the Society’s Biennial Conferences. - Ethics Committee
Provides oversight and guidance to the Board on the ethical considerations for all society activities, publications and products - Conservation Committee
Advises the Board of Governors on matters related to the conservation and management of marine mammals and provides the Board of Governors with information that may be requested from time to time
I know we are all busy with our studies and our other activities, but I strongly advise you to provide one of the student members at large with your name along with your committee(s) of interest..