We are pleased to announce on December 5th, 2016 the opening of registration, abstract submission, and workshop proposals for the 22nd Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals.
The 22nd Biennial will be hosted in Halifax, Nova Scotia on October 22nd-27th 2017, with workshops to be held October 28th-29th. Halifax is one of Canada’s foremost marine sciences, technological and conservation hubs and offers an exciting venue for the first Biennial to come to Canada’s east coast.
Reflecting on the journey that marine mammals and the people who study them have taken together over the years and the voyage that remains ahead for us (with a little Canadian flair), the theme for our conference is: 2017: A Marine Mammal Odyssey, Eh!
We have brought together a dynamic international team to prepare the very best conference experience for you. The program we are developing includes not only thought-provoking science, but also fun events including a welcoming reception with traditional Nova Scotia music on the waterfront and a masquerade ball themed closing celebration. This year we will also offer an exciting new presentation format – video presentations! This new format allows you to combine your science and creative talents, providing a bridge between science and art. Instructions and examples can be found on the conference website and we encourage you to try it.
We are happy to accept abstract submissions and workshop proposals until noon on March 29th 2017 (ADT). Submissions will not be accepted beyond this date. Visit the conference website for the abstract submission and workshop proposal guidelines, registration instructions, information about the conference and important dates: http://www.smmconference.org/. Be sure to check back regularly and join our Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1060310684008883/ to keep up-to-date on all the conference happenings!
We look forward to seeing everyone in 2017 in Canada’s Ocean Playground!
Your conference and scientific program co-chairs
Tonya & Hilary and Sofie & Damian
conference@marinemammalscience.org |