Membership dues are reviewed by the Board annually and recommended adjustments made accordingly to meet the operational expenses of the Society. Adjustments to the dues must be approved by a majority of votes cast by Members at a General Members Meeting or by electronic ballot. Proposed adjustments must be published in the Society’s website at least 60 days before a vote. Current proposed changes were posted in December 2021. This is a single vote to accept or reject all proposed changes to membership dues.
We want to make sure that students and people early in their professional careers have access to our community. One way that many professional societies are doing this is by linking their dues structure to income levels. We propose to adopt a similar model for our SMM membership dues for the full member category.
Other important changes to note:
- Regular/Full Membership is for 2 years only to address the boom-bust cycle of membership.
- Low-income members will receive free online conference access.
- Increase to lifetime membership cost.
There are no changes in cost to students or members from low-income countries and both have one year membership options.
Proposed Membership Dues for 2022 SMM Members’ Ballot
Regular/Full Member (based on annual income in USD) – 2 years only
❑ $160 (< $40,000)
❑ $200 ($40,001 – $60,000).
❑ $240 ($60,001 – $100,000)
❑ $340 ($100,001 – $150,000)
❑ $440 (> $150,001)
❑ $500 Contributing Member
❑ $90 Student Member (2 years) / ❑ $55 Student Member (1 year)
Low income Country
❑ $50 Regular (2 years) ❑ $30 Regular (1 years)
❑ $30 Student (2 years) ❑ $20 Student (1 years)
❑ $2,400 Life Membership, one-time payment (~20 yrs $60-100k)