The EBS (Emily B. Shane) Award 2016
The Emily B. Shane Award (EBS) supports conservation-oriented, non-harmful field research on free-ranging Odontocetes and Sirenians. The award honours Emily B. Shane (1924-1995), a fine amateur naturalist and dedicated conservationist. Funds are awarded to projects with clear conservation priorities for an odontocete or sirenian species, population, or habitat critical to the species. Research that also impacts a local human community in terms of increased public awareness, capacity building, or education may be given special consideration. The award, given annually, will total approximately US$10,000. The award committee may opt to divide the award among two or more applicants. Although awards will be made for no more than one year at a time, applicants may apply more than once for the same project.
Due Date: Applications are to be submitted by 31 March 2016 (midnight GMT). No application shall be accepted after the deadline. Proposals must be submitted to the Awards Chair, Lindsay Porter and the subject line must state “EBS Award 2016”.
Evaluation Criteria
Eligibility: The award is available to students and other researchers who meet the evaluation criteria. The application should be submitted by the person conducting the research.
The application must include the following materials; ·
- A proposal, not exceeding three pages in length (Times font, 12 point type, single space, 2 cm margins). Briefly outline the proposed research, objectives of the study, methods, role of the proposed work in conservation, the time period for the research, person(s) conducting the field research and role of each, and literature cited. ·
- A budget, including other funding applied for, or already held, for the proposed research. Funding requests should be for direct field research expenses only. ·
- Research permits or authorisation from appropriate authorities (or copies of application if permits not yet finalised)
- A current C.V. of the applicant, up to three pages in length. ·
- Three references with e-mail address, phone number, and relationship to applicant.
- For students, the supervisor must provide a letter of support
Award recipient(s) will be announced by 30 May 2016
John E. Heyning Research Award 2016
Supports the best proposal for cetacean integrative biology that relate diverse aspects of biology within an evolutionary context.This grant is presented in accordance with the last wishes of John E. Heyning, (Curator of Mammals and Associate Deputy Director of Research and Collections, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles, California). His research focused on the natural history, anatomy, evolution and conservation of whales, dolphins and porpoises, especially delphinids and ziphiids. It is presented for the best proposal received from an established researcher to investigate any area of cetacean integrative biology – comparative studies that relate diverse aspects of biology within an evolutionary context. The grant is open to established researchers who are members of the Society; students are not eligible. To receive research award criteria please contact the Awards Chair, Lindsay Porter with the subject line “JEH Award 2016”.