The deadline for submissions for the Louis M Herman Research Scholarship has been extended to
Friday 16th February 2018 (Hawaii midnight: GMT -10 hours)
See here for the award announcement at SMM Halifax 2017
Louis M. Herman, Ph.D. and Emeritus Professor at University of Hawaii at Manoa, was a pioneer and trailblazer in research on dolphin sensory perception and cognition, and humpback whale behavioral ecology. This work that was carried out through the world renowned Kewalo Basin Marine Mammal Laboratory (KBMML) that he established in 1969 in Honolulu, Hawaii. He also co-founded The Dolphin Institute (TDI), dedicated to dolphins and whales through education, research, and conservation. KBMML/TDI’s findings on marine mammals were published in over 160 scientific papers and featured in more than 230 national and international media articles, television and radio programs and documentary films. Dr. Herman’s life’s work significantly influenced marine mammal conservation. It also had an enormous impact on the lives and careers of the countless interns, undergraduate and graduate students, post-doctoral researchers, visiting faculty, and volunteers from around the world, all of whom played important roles in the unique research team he assembled over more than four decades. Dr. Herman will always be remembered for his innovative, creative, and scientifically rigorous approach to the study of the marine mammals he so loved, and for the future generations of marine mammal researchers he and his work inspire. Read more about Dr. Herman’s legacy here.
Dr. Herman’s family, colleagues and friends are establishing the Louis M. Herman Research Scholarship to honor his legacy by promoting the type of research that was the focus of his groundbreaking studies. The Scholarship, given every two years, will be for US$5000. The scholarship will support a research project that contributes to our understanding of either cetacean cognition and sensory perception (laboratory or field studies), or humpback whale behavioral ecology or communication. Work with other marine mammals that especially enhances our understanding of their cognitive abilities will also be considered. Eligible candidates include graduate students and those students who have completed their Masters or PhD within the past three years.
The application must include the following materials and be submitted by 16 February 2018.
· A proposal, not exceeding 5 pages in length, excluding cover page and list of references (Times font, 12 point type, single-spaced, 1-in margins). Briefly outline the proposed research including: objectives of the study, relevant published background, methods, role of the proposed work enhancing understanding of cetacean (or other marine mammal) cognition or humpback whale behavioral ecology or communication, the timeframe for the research, person(s) conducting the research and role of each, and literature cited.
· A detailed budget, including other funding applied for, or already held, for the proposed research
· Necessary research permits or authorization
· Current curriculum vitae
· Three references, with e-mail address, phone number, and relationship to applicant; and a letter of support from supervisor for students (letter of support from supervisor can serve as one of the three required references)
· Verification that the student is currently enrolled in a university degree program or proof of a graduate degree
The award recipient will be notified by April 16 of the year of application, with an expectation that the research project once completed will be submitted for an oral or poster presentation at the following Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. We will award up to $500 to support travel costs contingent on an accepted submission and completed presentation.
Via email to the Awards and Scholarships Chair, Lindsay Porter (