Category Archives: Conference News

Venue Change for the 2017 SMM Conference


Please find below a few news items of interest from the Society for Marine Mammalogy for you regarding the next two conferences and a reminder to vote.

Venue Change for the 2017 SMM Conference

The organizers for the planned 2017 SMM Biennial Conference in Veracruz, Mexico had to reluctantly withdraw their offer to host our meeting. Citing security issues in Mexico and specifically in the State of Veracruz, Ibiza Martinez and Eduardo Morteo were advised by their University to halt their plans to bring the Conference to Veracruz. The Society is extremely grateful to the hard work of Eduardo and Ibiza on our behalf. We are all hopeful that the security situation in Mexico will improve in the coming years, giving us another opportunity to come together in that wonderful country.

Given the relatively short lead time to select a new venue, the Board departed from our normal procedure of seeking nominations from interested parties, and taking these options to the membership for a vote. Consequently, since the announcement from Mexico in November 2014, the Board has conducted a focused search for an alternate site for our 22nd Biennial Conference. We are excited to announce that our 2017 meeting will be, for the first time, in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. An excellent proposal was submitted which has now been accepted by the Board. As many of you know, Halifax has been a center of marine research in general and marine mammal research specifically for many years. We will be using a new convention center in Halifax that will open in 2016. The 22nd biennial conference will be held from 23-27 October 2017. The SMM Board thanks all of those who helped us find this outstanding option. We look forward to seeing you all there.

Click here to read the official letter of interest and information about Halifax and the 2017 SMM conference venue.

2015 SMM Conference Abstract Submission Now Open; Early Bird Registration Opens April 6

We are accepting abstract submissions for the Society’s biennial conference to be held in San Francisco from December 13-18, 2015. Abstract submission deadline is May 15, 2015 and conference registration opens on April 6, 2015.

Submit your abstract here.

Please Vote!

The Board has identified and recommended that four changes be made to the Governing Documents of the Society. Changes to the Constitution and Bylaws require approval by a majority of all members. Please cast your vote today on the Board’s recommended changes to the Governing Documents.

Go here to vote.

Wishing you all the best,

 Nick Gales, President  Jay Barlow, President-Elect

SMM now accepting abstract submissions and workshop proposals!

We are pleased to announce that we are now accepting abstract submissions and workshop proposals!

The deadline to submit abstracts and workshop proposals is May 15, 2015.

Submit your abstract here:

Questions? E-mail:

Submit your workshop proposal here:

Questions? E-mail:

Abstract Submission to Open on February 1, 2015

We will begin accepting abstract submissions for workshops, oral, speed and poster presentations on February 1st, 2015 for the 21st Biennial Society for Marine Mammalogy Conference, to take place in San Francisco from December 13-18, 2015. The submission deadline is May 15th, 2015. Workshops will be held on December 12-13th.

Call for Applications – S. Innes Memorial Student Travel Bursary

On May 21, 2000, the world of marine mammal research lost two talented scientists and cherished colleagues, Stuart Innes and Malcolm Ramsay. Drs. Innes and Ramsay were conducting field research near Resolute Bay, Nunavut, Canada when their helicopter crashed. Both Stuart and Malcolm are remembered with affection and admiration for their boundless energy and devotion to their scientific endeavours in the Arctic.

Stuart was a vocal advocate for supporting students in their efforts to develop a career in Arctic marine mammal research. He believed that the Biennial Marine Mammal Conferences hosted by the Society for Marine Mammalogy were a good opportunity for young researchers to learn, network, and develop enthusiasm from the leaders in the field. As a tribute to Stuart, friends and colleagues have established the S. Innes Memorial Student Travel Bursary to help support a student’s travel to this conference each time it is held.

The award is open to post-secondary students conducting marine mammal research in the Arctic. Applications should consist of the following: the student’s name, affiliated institution, name and address of supervisor plus one additional reference, level (MSc or PhD) and year of study, the abstract submitted for consideration of a presentation at the upcoming Biennial conference, a current CV, and a letter of no more than 400 words describing the project and how the student would benefit from the award.

A selection committee of Stuart’s colleagues will review the applications and select one winner. The committee’s decision is final. After the conference, a brief report should be submitted summarizing how the student benefited from the conference experience. The award this year is $1000.00 USD.

Questions and applications should be sent by email (preferred) or mail to Nick Lunn (contact details below). Applications must be received by midnight 30 August 2013.

Dr. Nick Lunn
Environment Canada
CW405 Biological Sciences Building
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E9