Society News

November 1, 2022

Marine Mammal Science Journal Pilot Program to Offer ESL Assistance for Likely to be Accepted Manuscripts

The Society for Marine Mammalogy has created a Marine Mammal Science pilot program to cover the cost of editing for the quality of English for authors for which English is not their primary language (ESL – English as a second language). For an author who meets this condition, and whose paper is likely to become […]

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October 5, 2022

SMM Seminar Editors’ Select Series: Behavior related vocalizations of the Florida manatee with Dr. Beth Brady

This series highlights the latest and most exciting marine mammal science published in the Marine Mammal Science Journal. The SMM created this series to give scientists and citizens around the world a chance to engage with marine mammal scientists, learn and ask questions. All are welcome! Thursday, October 20th 2022 at 1 pm EDT (10 […]

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September 21, 2022

Cast your vote on SMM Board Leadership, 2026 Conference Venues and Diversity and Inclusion Committee

Dear Members, Our September 2022 ballot is now live on our website. All current members should log in and vote on several important pieces of Society business. This is your time to help select the SMM Leadership for the next several years, determine where the 2026 Biennial conference will take place and whether to make […]

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September 14, 2022

SMM 2026 Conference Location Options

Greetings SMM Members! We are just past a very successful SMM 2022 in West Palm Beach, USA and in the process for gearing up for SMM 2024 in Perth, Australia. We must now cast our gaze to 2026 and decide where our community will meet to discuss all things marine mammals. We will decide our […]

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September 13, 2022

2022 Slate of Candidates for the SMM Board Election

Greetings SMM Members! We are just past a very successful Marine Mammal Conference in Florida an event that signals the coming changing of our SMM Board.  It is time for you to exercise one of your most important responsibilities as a member of this Society – casting your vote for candidates standing for elected office.  […]

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