Society News

April 14, 2014

Marine Mammal Science is now online only!

A friendly reminder from the Society for Marine Mammalogy Are you wondering why you have not received a copy of Marine Mammal Science in the mail recently? Two years ago, the majority of Society members voted during the annual April ballot in favor of switching to an electronic-only journal and eliminating the printed version. There […]

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September 30, 2013

2013 Grants in Aid of Research winners announced

The 2013 Grants in Aid of Research program has selected for funding 13 projects out of 44 proposals submitted. Applications were received from 16 countries. A total of $15,055 was awarded. Congratulations to our winners. Their names are posted on our website.

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August 6, 2013

Call for Applications – S. Innes Memorial Student Travel Bursary

On May 21, 2000, the world of marine mammal research lost two talented scientists and cherished colleagues, Stuart Innes and Malcolm Ramsay. Drs. Innes and Ramsay were conducting field research near Resolute Bay, Nunavut, Canada when their helicopter crashed. Both Stuart and Malcolm are remembered with affection and admiration for their boundless energy and devotion […]

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June 27, 2013

Update on Marine Mammal Science from the Editor-in-Chief

I have two important announcements to make about the Society’s journal, Marine Mammal Science. First, it is that time of year when Thomson’s ISI (Institute for Scientific Information) releases its latest Journal Impact Factor (IF; note that IF always lags by a year so the latest is for 2012) scores based on its Journal Citation […]

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June 11, 2013

New Presidential Commission to Save Vaquita Takes First Steps

The first meetings of the Comisión Asesora de la Presidencia de México para la Recuperación de la Vaquita (Advisory Commission of the Presidency of Mexico for the Recovery of the Vaquita) were held in Mexico City in February and March of this year, and significant actions are under way. Ing. Juan José Guerra Abud, Secretario […]

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