Society News

December 18, 2015

Delegates: Please Take the SMM 2015 Post-Conference Survey!

Greetings delegates, We hope you had a great time at the 21st SMM Biennial Conference. We want to know how we can make our future confernces even better. Please fill out this survey by January 15th and we will share your responses and comments with the Society’s Board and the organizers of the 2017 22nd […]

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December 5, 2015

Search, Plan and Connect With Each Other Before and During the Conference

Greetings, SMM Conference Delegates! In one short week, marine mammal scientists will flood the city to attend the biggest conference on Marine Mammalogy we’ve ever had! With 1300+ abstracts in the program and over 2200 marine mammal scientists attending, we want to give you an easy way to search the detailed program, plan your agenda […]

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Search, Plan and Connect with the SMM Conference App

Today we officially launched our first app, in connection with the Biennial Conference. You can download it by searching for “Marine Mammalogy Conference” on Google Play or iTunes and download to any mobile device or tablet. No smart phone or tablet? Explore the program through your desktop computer here: Want to find each other, […]

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Special San Francisco Bay Tours and Farallon Island Trips with Oceanic Society

Attending the Society for Marine Mammology (SMM) Conference in San Francisco? The Oceanic Society is offering two different adventures for conference attendees and their families. Our first trip is suitable for adults and families with children at least 6-years-old. We will tour the San Francisco Bay to hear about the history of the bay and […]

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December 4, 2015

NEW THIS YEAR: “Poster Pods

This is a new concept we will be trying out this year to highlight posters presentations, and ensure each poster presenter is visited. We hope that it will also make poster presentation easier and more fun, as presenters can talk to groups of people rather than repeat themselves multiple times to individual people, and poster […]

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