Society News

May 28, 2020

Small Grants in Aid of Research Application Window Open June 1-30, 2020

The Society for Marine Mammalogy would like to inform eligible members (see below) that this year’s Small Grants in Aid of Research application window opens on 1 June 2020. Applications will be accepted during the entire month of June. The Committee of Scientific Advisors will review applications and make recommendations on funding with decisions announced […]

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April 22, 2020

Time to Vote for the Next Board of Governors, our 2023 Conference Location and More!

Dear Members,  Your 2020 ballot includes a variety of topics that need your vote including electing new officers for our Board of Governors, reviewing proposed modifications of our constitution and voting for the 2023 Biennial Conference location.   The details of each vote are included in the Ballot, but here is a brief synopsis.   We are […]

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April 20, 2020

Shout Out to Our Wikipedia Editors and Updated Species Listings on Wikipedia

We are pleased to share with you a recent list of Wiki species pages updated and curated by students across the world. Big thanks and kudos to all the Wiki curators involved in creating these pages. The development of marine mammal species Wikipedia pages is part of the Society of Marine Mammalogy’s education initiative to […]

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April 16, 2020

Announcing the 2020 Louis M. Herman Research Scholarship Winner

In 2020, the Louis M. Herman Research Scholarship received over 20 proposals from Australia, Brazil, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, Colombia, France, Germany, Hong Kong SAR, Madagascar, New Zealand, Scotland and the United States. The quality of submissions was extremely high and the Awards Committee is delighted to announce that the successful proposal was submitted by April […]

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March 31, 2020

Joint ECS/SMM Letter of Concern sent to Massey University

The Society for Marine Mammalogy, together with the European Cetacean Society, sent the following joint letter of concern to Vice Chancellor Jan Thomas and Massey University Council to show their concern by reports that Massey University has recently proposed to eliminate its natural sciences from its Albany campus, which among other significant losses, would result in the […]

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