Society for Marine Mammalogy News

March 18, 2019

News from Ann

Hello Friends and Colleagues, As I write you today, I am still getting my “land legs” after having the distinct pleasure of joining an international team of students and other colleagues for a leg of an offshore research cruise. Our goal was simple, to enhance our understanding of the abundance, distribution and behavior of cetaceans […]

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February 5, 2019

23rd Annual Meeting of the Northwest Student Chapter of the Society for Marine Mammalogy (18 May 2019; University of Washington, Seattle) 2019!

The 23rd Annual Meeting of the Northwest Student Chapter of the Society for Marine Mammalogy (NWSSMM) will take place at the University of Washington, Seattle on May 18, 2019! The purpose of the annual meeting is to cultivate community among students studying marine mammals by creating a relaxed atmosphere to share research ideas, tribulations, and triumphs. The meeting is also an opportunity to meet […]

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December 19, 2018

Grants available for Latin American students to attend 2019 Biennial Conference

YAQU PACHA, an organization that promotes aquatic mammal protection, conservation, and research in South America and sponsors LAJAM (Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals), has generously offered SOLAMAC (the Latin American Society of Specialists in Aquatic Mammals) two travel grants to assist students attending the 2nd World Marine Mammal Science Conference/23rd Conference on the Biology […]

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December 2, 2018

Help SMM become a more diverse and inclusive Society

The Society for Marine Mammalogy (SMM) has recently created an ad hoc Committee on Diversity and Inclusion to investigate ways the SMM can better serve the marine mammalogy community by enhancing the diversity of scientists in the field. The first step of the committee is to better understand the make-up of the field and to […]

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December 1, 2018

News from Ann

Hello Good Colleagues! It has been a busy few months for the Society, and I would like to highlight just a few of these events here. To begin, please join me in welcoming Dr. Mridula Srinivasan as our new Chair of the Education Committee. Mridula is a very active member of the SMM and helped lead the […]

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