
Presidential Letter to India on Ganges River Dolphins and Waterways Development Program

This Presidential letter was sent to the Government of India expressing concern over a Bill creating a new waterways development program. Natchiket Kelkar alerted the Society for Marine Mammalogy to the potential danger of this project for Ganges River Dolphins. Our letter expresses the SMM’s concern for the survival of the Ganges River Dolphin. The letter was written by Barb Taylor, Brian Smith, Gill Braulik, Natchiket Kelkar, and other members of the Conservation Committee.

See the Presidential letter sent to the Government of India regarding dangers to the Ganges River Dolphins

Read a summary analysis of the ecological impacts of the Bill written by Natchiket Kelkar published in the South Asia Network on Dams, Rivers, and People (SANDRP) newsletter. The document highlights the major points where a serious and ecologically informed review of the waterways project is critically required.