We are pleased to announce the following workshop to be held on Saturday October 28th, 2017 at the upcoming SMM conference in Halifax.
Title: Not all is black and white: Identifying research challenges and solutions for the lesser known blackfish
Summary: This workshop will facilitate a gathering of scientists who study blackfish species (pilot whales, false killer whales, pygmy killer whales, melon-headed whales, and lesser known killer whale populations). Innovative technology and study methods are leading to exciting new research possibilities within this group of cetaceans. However, given their generally pelagic or rural distribution, many populations of blackfish species are poorly understood. The goal of this workshop is threefold: to identify common challenges that arise while researching these species, to present new and exciting observations, and to encourage collaboration amongst the scientists who study them. This day will consist of series of presentations (morning – 20 minutes in length by invited speakers and 5 minutes by additional workshop participants) and a group discussion identifying common research challenges and possible solutions (afternoon), with time allotted for networking (late afternoon). The outcome of this workshop will be a document outlining the research challenges discussed – with the goal of publication – as well as working collaborations amongst those who study these species worldwide.
We invite researchers involved in work with blackfish species around the world to come and join in this discussion of the challenges we face when studying these species. In addition to the invited speakers, we will have a few 5 minute presentation slots open for other workshop participants to share their current research. Please email elizabeth.zwamborn(at)dal.ca if you would be interested in one of these.
Please remember that the early registration deadline is quickly approaching and workshop costs will increase slightly after that.