The 2021 Conservation marketing and engagement conference (ONLINE) 27-30 October 2021

Conference theme: Changing behavior in a changing climate

What is Conservation Marketing? 

We define conservation marketing as ‘the ethical application of marketing strategies concepts and techniques to influence attitudes, perceptions and behaviours of individuals, and ultimately societies, with the objective of advancing conservation goals.’

Now more than ever the field of conservation needs to respond to wicked problems – like climate change – that are driving the degradation of our natural and social worlds. Conservation marketing assumes that conservation behaviors operate in a complex environment that includes multiple competing factors, such as social norms, infrastructural barriers, and personal identity to name a few. The approach of conservation marketing is grounded in understanding one’s target audience in order to create sustainable and meaningful change.

Marketing techniques are often used to sell a commercial product, but conservation marketing applies these same or similar techniques to encourage pro-conservation behavior change. Insights from conservation marketing can help organizations design targeted outreach campaigns and can help practitioners understand how to fundraise for less charismatic species or how to select a celebrity spokesperson for their cause.

For more details on the conference please visit:

Registration fee: $60


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