The first African Bioacoustics Community Conference will be held at the University of Cape Town , South Africa (2-7 Dec 2018).
This conference will have a strong marine mammal focus, including plenaries on underwater noise effects (Prof. Christine Erbe), seal communication (Dr. Isabelle Charrier) and passive acoustic monitoring of baleen whales (Dr. Salvatore Cerchio).
There is funding support available to help a limited number of students/unwaged delegates based in Africa to attend (via The Acoustical Society of America). This will include the conference, icebreaker event and associated conference evenings (but not workshops or seal outing). For more info please check out: for further information
Application Deadline – 21st October 2018.
Please note the following:
- This opportunity is open to current students or unwaged scientists/students from Africa or students registered at African Universities.
• The opportunities will be provided on a merit basis.
• Conference presentation is not a pre-requisite to receiving these awards, however, preference may be given to presenting students.
• Supported persons are expected to attend the icebreaker (2nd Dec) and full conference days – 3rd to 6th December 8:30 am to 6pm.
• Supported students are expected to write a short blog post about their experiences
• To Apply – Please Send a short (300 word) letter of motivation and CV to: