A message from our colleagues at Sociedad Mexicana de Mastozoología Marina about the upcoming online conference:
During the XXXVII International Meeting for the Study of Marine Mammals (May 3-6, 2021) by the Mexican Society for Marine Mammalogy (SOMEMMA), which will be online, 6 keynote conferences will be given. Are you interested in just registering for them? We offer you an exclusive package with a cost of $500 MXN ($25.00 USD), to access only these talks. It is a good opportunity to learn from the greatest.
Here are descriptions of the speakers for this conference
**Important: There will be simultaneous translation from Spanish to English.
Register: https://somemma.exporegistro.com/registro_magistrales.php
You can solve doubts in the following account, and it is to whom you need to send your payment receipt, with name, institution and if you are a student/professor: tesoreria.somemma@gmail.com