Killer whale symposium (13-18 April 2020; Tarifa, Strait of Gibraltar, Spain)

The next world  killer whales symposium/conference will take place in Tarifa (Strait of Gibraltar, Spain), in April 2020. The meeting will take place in Tarifa between the 13th and 18th April 2020 in Tarifa, Strait of Gibraltar. All researchers on killer whales are invited to the event. The meeting will be organised by CIRCE, and follows the symposium that was held previously by the CEBC-CNRS in Chizé (France) in 2002. For more details go to:

The objective of the meeting will be to gather international orca researchers for a week in Tarifa, to present the latest advances on killer whale research. All the participants are invited to  present one or more posters (Send us the abstract to organise the poster sessions!! You can bring as many posters as you want, but almost one is needed to participate in the meeting) or an oral presentation (abstract submission needed to organise the program).

The first 2.5 days will be reserved for oral presentations and plenary sessions. The last 2 days will be reserved for workshops, which will be defined throughout the plenary sessions. The symposium will leave broad scope for discussion, and interaction among researchers.

A broad social and cultural parallel agenda will be organized. The spirit of the meeting will be the same as in previous meetings. The more socialization the better.

Accompanying the symposium, CIRCE will take the opportunity to carry out parallel training activities in the Campo de Gibraltar, which will consist of an exhibition of photographs on orcas in the premises of Tarifa, a campaign of micro-volunteers in schools in Algeciras, Barbate and Tarifa, video exposition, and talks open to the general public.

For more information :