
Smithsonian Institution

Chief Justice William H. Rhenquist
Supreme Court of the United States
1 First Street, NE
Washington, DC20543

Dear Justice Rhenquist:

The Society for Marine Mammalogy joins numerous conservation groups and wildlife organizations in expressing its concern for the proposed closing of the Smithsonian’s Conservation and Research Center near Front Royal, Virginia.This center is internationally known for its work training conservation scientists and restoring endangered species, such as the black-footed ferret, the golden lion tamarin, and others.

While the Society for Marine Mammalogy recognizes the need for your organization to maintain its emphasis on public education and exhibitions, we feel that it is essential that the Smithsonian continue to lead conservation and restoration efforts for threatened species.Although these activities may be less visible to the public, the programs carried out by the Conservation and Research Center have made a considerable difference for many threatened species.We are hopeful that the Smithsonian will identify a means to maintain this world-class center for the benefit of all wildlife species and the quality of life for future generations of humans.

Thank you and best regards.


Daniel K. Odell, Ph.D.


Cc: Mr. Lawrence Small, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution

Note: A similar letter was also sent to:

Ms. Anne d’Harnoncourt

Senator Patrick Leahy

Senator Bill First

Senator Thad Cochran

Congressman Sam Johnson

Congressman Ralph Regula

Congressman Robert T. Matsui

Vice President Richard Cheney

Mr. Wesley S. Williams, Jr.

Mr. Barber B. Conable, Jr.

Professor Hanna H. Gray

Mr. Alan G. Spoon

Mr. Howard H. Baker, Jr.

Dr. Homer A. Neal

Dr. Walter Massey

Dr. Manuel L. Ibanez

Vaquita conservation in Mexico – Fox

President Vicente Fox
President Constitucional de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos
Residencia Official de los Pinos
Col San Miguel Chapultepex
C.P. 11850
Mexico, D.F.

Dear President Fox:

The Society for Marine Mammalogy is an international society of more than 2000 scientists who study whales, dolphins, porpoise, seals and other marine mammals. It is the largest professional society in the world dedicated to the study of marine mammals. Our website is

The previous government of Mexico faced many challenging environmental issues including the proposed construction of an evaporative salt production facility at the protected breeding lagoon for the gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus) at Laguna San Ignacio, and the conservation of the highly endangered vaquita, or Gulf of California harbor porpoise (Phocoena sinus). The Society for Marine Mammalogy commends the previous administration for its efforts to conserve these pecies and the habitats on which they depend. We are hopeful that your administration will continue to play a leading role in efforts to protect these species and their habitats.

With regard to the vaquita, the Society for Marine Mammalogy notes that the upper Gulf of California has been designated by Mexico as a Biosphere Reserve, and that Mexico is a member of the International Committee for the Recovery of the Vaquita (CIRVA). These activities will aid in the protection of vital habitat and recovery of this species. To that end, we encourage you and your government to support the development and implementation of a recovery plan for the vaquita that addresses the biological needs of the species as well as the social and economic needs of the residents and communities of Baja California. The Society for Marine Mammalogy is willing to assist in any way it can in your government’s actions to prevent the extinction of the vaquita.


Daniel K. Odell, Ph.D.


Sr. Javier Uzabiaga Arroyo
Secretaria de Agricultura, Ganaderia, Desarrollo Rural, Pesca y Alimentacion
Insurgentes Sur 478
CP 06760
Mexico, D.F.

Dr. Victor Lichtinger
Secretaria del Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales
Lateral del Anillo Perfiferico Sur # 4209 6th Piso
Colonia Jardines de la Montana
Delegacion Tlalpan, C.P.14210
Mexico, D.F.

Dr. Antonio Diaz de Leon
Presidente del Instituto Nacional de la Pesca
Pitagoras No. 1320, 8th Piso
Col. Sta. Cruz Atoyac 03310
Mexico, D.F.

This letter was also sent in Spanish, as shown below:

Presidente Vicente Fox
Presidente Constitucional de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos
Residencia Official de los Pinos
Col San Miguel Chapultepex
Mexico, D.F.


Distinguido Señor Presidente:

La Sociedad de Mamología Marina es una sociedad internacional de mas de 2,000 científicos cuales estudian ballenas, delfines, focas, y otros mamíferos marinos. Es la sociedad profesional mas grande del mundo dedicada al estudio de mamíferos marinos. Nuestro “website” es:

El gobierno anterior de Mexico encontró grandes problemas ecológicos, incluyendo la propuesta construcción de planta evaporativa de producción de sal en el area protegida para la ballena gris en Laguna San Ignacio, y la conservación de la vaquita (Phoecona sinus) la cual esta en peligro de extinción. La Sociedad de Mamología Marina aplaude al previo gobierno por sus esfuerzos en proteger estas especies y el ambiente en cual ellas dependen. Nosotros esperamos que su administración continue al frente en los esfuerzos de proteger esas especies y su medio ambiente.

Acerca de la vaquita, la Sociedad de Mamología Marina nota que el Golfo de California del Norte ha sido nombrado por México como Reserva de la Biosfera, y que México es un miembro del Committee for the Recovery of the Vaquita (CIRVA). Estas actividades ayudaran en la protección de áreas vitales y el recobrar a esta especie. Con ese fin, nosotros alentamos a usted y su gobierno a apoyar el plan de manejo que se dirija a la nececidades biológicas de la especie así como las necesidades sociales y económicas de los residentes y las comunidades de Baja California La Sociedad de Mamología Marina esta lista para asistirle en cualquier manera en sus acciones governamentales para prevenir la extinción de la vaquita.


Daniel K. Odell


Sr. Javier Uzabiaga Arroyo
Secretaria de Agricultura, Ganaderia, Desarrollo Rural, Pesca y Alimentacion
Insurgentes Sur 478
CP 06760
Mexico, D.F.

Dr. Victor Lichtinger
Secretaria del Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales
Lateral del Anillo Perfiferico Sur # 4209 6th Piso
Colonia Jardines de la Montana
Delegacion Tlalpan, C.P. 14210
Mexico, D.F.

Dr. Antonio Diaz de Leon
Presidente del Instituto Nacional de la Pesca
Pitagoras No. 1320, 8th Piso
Col. Sta. Cruz Atoyac 03310
Mexico, D.F.