Chief Justice William H. Rhenquist
Supreme Court of the United States
1 First Street, NE
Washington, DC20543
Dear Justice Rhenquist:
The Society for Marine Mammalogy joins numerous conservation groups and wildlife organizations in expressing its concern for the proposed closing of the Smithsonian’s Conservation and Research Center near Front Royal, Virginia.This center is internationally known for its work training conservation scientists and restoring endangered species, such as the black-footed ferret, the golden lion tamarin, and others.
While the Society for Marine Mammalogy recognizes the need for your organization to maintain its emphasis on public education and exhibitions, we feel that it is essential that the Smithsonian continue to lead conservation and restoration efforts for threatened species.Although these activities may be less visible to the public, the programs carried out by the Conservation and Research Center have made a considerable difference for many threatened species.We are hopeful that the Smithsonian will identify a means to maintain this world-class center for the benefit of all wildlife species and the quality of life for future generations of humans.
Thank you and best regards.
Daniel K. Odell, Ph.D.
Cc: Mr. Lawrence Small, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution
Note: A similar letter was also sent to:
Ms. Anne d’Harnoncourt
Senator Patrick Leahy
Senator Bill First
Senator Thad Cochran
Congressman Sam Johnson
Congressman Ralph Regula
Congressman Robert T. Matsui
Vice President Richard Cheney
Mr. Wesley S. Williams, Jr.
Mr. Barber B. Conable, Jr.
Professor Hanna H. Gray
Mr. Alan G. Spoon
Mr. Howard H. Baker, Jr.
Dr. Homer A. Neal
Dr. Walter Massey
Dr. Manuel L. Ibanez