Membership Levels

Thank you for deciding to be a member of the Society for Marine Mammalogy. Please select the appropriate membership level below:

Level Price  
Full Member (High income country/region)* $160-500 / 2 years
Membership expires after 2 Years. Select
Full Member (Low income country/region)* $30 / 1 year
Membership expires after 1 Year. Select
$50 / 2 years
Membership expires after 2 Years. Select
Emeritus Member $75 / 1 year
Membership expires after 1 Year. Select
$130 / 2 years
Membership expires after 2 Years. Select
Student Member (High income country/region)* $55 / 1 year
Membership expires after 1 Year. Select
$90 / 2 years
Membership expires after 2 Years. Select
Student Member (Low income country/region)* $20 / 1 year
Membership expires after 1 Year. Select
$30 / 2 years
Membership expires after 2 Years. Select
Lifetime Member $2400, one-time Select


SMM strives to be as inclusive a Society as possible, and it is our policy not to deny membership to the Society due to lack of funds.

*The Society’s International Relations Committee and Committee of Scientific Advisors have defined all countries except the following as eligible underrepresented countries*: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Kingdom, and United States.

 The following criteria have been chosen to establish this classification: (1) Using the most recent World Bank classification, all countries in the categories Upper Middle Income, Lower Middle Income, and Low Income are eligible; and (2) Within the High Income countries, those countries that spend less than US $50 million or less than 1% of their GDP on Research and Development are also eligible.

Members originally from low income countries who are living and working in high income countries on an equivalent salary to local nationals, should consider themselves to be “high income”. Conversely, members originally from high income countries but who are working in low income countries on a low income salary equivalent to that received by nationals, can consider themselves to be “low income”. The membership rate is a reflection on an ability to pay rather than place of birth.

Should you wish to become or remain a member of SMM, but are currently faced with extreme financial hardship, or are unsure as to your status, please contact the Membership Chair.

All membership categories are for individuals, and are not transferable. The Society does not refund memberships under any circumstances.